Culture Insurance
Culture Insurance
The insurances of the agricultural cultures imply the indemnification of the quantitative production loss.
Scope of the insurance:
The scope is represented by the cultures of cereals, vegetables, the fruit of the vines, fruit trees/shrubs and hop.
Insured risks:
-fire, direct effect or heavy rains, storm or tempest, hail
-direct effects of land slides and caving-in, early autumn frost, late spring frost. In certain conditions, drought can also be insured.
Insurance of Animals
Scope of the Insurance
Sheep, swine, cattle, bubaline animals, horses, fish from the fish farms, bee families and hives
Insured risks
Indemnifications are granted for death or slaughter as a necessity, as a consequence of the following risks:
- surgical/ obstetrical/ internal diseases;
- accidents occurred inside and outside the shelter;
In reference to the insurance company, these risks can be extended.
Insured Amount
It is declared on one’s own liability and can represent the real value established per capita, resulted from invoices / purchase protocols, according to the accounting documents or the market value established alive/kg, in reference to the species, race, age, upkeep condition etc
There is also a series of situations (exclusions) for which the insurer does not grant indemnifications, from among which it is well to note:
- death of the animals as a consequence of the use of open fire or smoking, use of improvised lighting, heating, ventilation installations;
- lack of the mandatory vaccinations and/or failure of application of the treatments ordered by the sanitary-veterinary authorities, for the purpose of the prevention or control of the infectious-contagious or parasitic diseases;
- deaths/slaughters out of necessity, not communicated to the sanitary-veterinary authority within the notification terms;
- non-communication to the sanitary-veterinary authority within the legal term of any change occurred in the health condition of the animals.
It is well to be known that the following are deduced from the quantum of the indemnifications: the value of the recovered/recoverable meat, the franchises, the value of the technological loss established and indicated in the insurance contract.
What do I do in case of damage?
In case of an insured event, a standardized procedure is followed for the solving of the respective situation, the client being supported by the insurer and the broker throughout this process.
Damages Call Center: 031 9660
Diana Chiţulescu,Key Account Manager :0755.10.68.94 1
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